Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Name, New Link, Same Sh*t....

I wasnt able to post these past few days because i cant access my account in anyway i redo it and change's the settings many times it keeps on blocking me from it. It's until these morning that i found out that there is some issues in verification and about the link of my account.Due to 2nd party issue's im taking actions on stepping down and voluntarily editing the name of the blog and the address of the blog so from Just an ordinary guy its now Skyler's Ordinary Blog. new name, new link but same sh*t. I'd like to post more "Guys" right now but im kinda sleepy and exhausted from bringing this blog live again. I know that there are people (around 15) who keeps on checking the blog for new guys and i've read all your messages. I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who read and appreciate on what im doing here. So! tomorrow is another day. Patience is a virtue. I'm pretty much confident that this statement is well said so i dont owe any apologies for this. Have a great day.

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